It is not too late. Go to CollegeBoard to register (or set up an account to register). If you have questions, schedule an appointment with your school counselor.
Test Dates:
Mar 11, 2023 - Registration Deadline = Feb 10, 2023; Feb 28, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)
May 6, 2023 - Registration Deadline = April 7, 2023; April 25, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)
June 3, 2023 - Registration Deadline = May 4, 2023; May 23, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)
The Answer Class - Affordable SAT & ACT Prep helps students gain confidence in their test-taking abilities and teaches tips and strategies on timing, guessing, and scoring. Students get the prep they need, and the school benefits, too: 20% of tuition collected is donated to RHS PTSA. 3,400 HoCo students have already benefited from the prep, and $89,000+-, has been donated to our HoCo partner schools, which includes Reservoir HS!
45+ In-Person & Live Virtual SAT & ACT Prep classes are now available! Register and view our full schedule of in-person and live virtual classes here. Your student can attend ANY Answer Class, and RHS PTSA will continue to earn the donation!