HC Drug Free Teen Advisory Council

Thu, 11/10/2022 - 6:36am

Transitioning from middle to high school can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be! Learn how to better navigate the social and emotional challenges of high school from experts - high school students! Older students share their wisdom and experience with younger students while developing their own leadership skills for life beyond high school. Earn community service hours for teen meetings and other HC DrugFree events.  At the recommendation of our Teen Advisory Council (TAC) members, this year we have extended registration to include 8th graders in addition to high schoolers. Our TAC members have repeatedly told us how much they wish they had been able to join when they were younger. Their reasons were:

✔️To help with the transition from middle to high school

✔️To meet new friends and mentors

✔️To get a head start on their college resume and job applications

✔️To be part of a drug-free group for 5 years (and then stay connected while in college)

✔️To prepare them for some of the situations they may face as early as 8th grade.

Teen Advisory Council members are nurtured to be leaders among their peers, to be community-minded, and to make choices that will serve themselves and others in the future. In addition, TAC provides a meaningful way for students to earn community service hours while building a powerful resume for job and college applications.  Don't miss the opportunity to give your child a head start. Register your 8th-12th grader for HC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council today!  Our next meeting is Monday, November 14th at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom! (Save the date for the December 5 meeting too.)

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