I am the Education Director for the B&O Railroad Museum and wanted to pass along a volunteer opportunity that may be appealing to your students. We are quickly approaching the end of the school year and I am sure you still have students who need to fulfill service hour requirements. This would be a perfect opportunity to do that. There are lots of different tasks available so there is sure to be something that everyone can find interest in! I have attached a flyer for recruiting volunteers if that is more helpful. Here are some additional details for the event:
Thomas the Tank Engine will be visiting the B&O Railroad Museum during our big Day Out With Thomas Event. Spread over 2 weekends in May, (May 13th-15th & 20th-22nd) we expect to have over 10,000 visitors pass through the museum. This event is not possible without the hard work of volunteers. Each day will have 2 shift options to choose from, with each shift ranging from 5-7 hours. Sign up for one shift, the whole day or multiple days. Weekday and weekend options available.
We are using Signup.com to sign up volunteers: https://signup.com/go/VtBhWDL
Volunteer positions range from way-finding, line maintenance, assisting with kids crafts, organizing merchandise in gift shop, and helping board and de-board train rides among other jobs. Descriptions and the option to choose your position is all found on that signup.com link: https://signup.com/go/VtBhWDL
All volunteers will be required to submit an emergency contact form and fill out a liability waiver.
Volunteers will be provided with a meal during their shift.
Volunteers will be expected to attend a virtual welcome meeting the week before the event to go over last minute requirements and questions.
We will take volunteers aged 16 and older unaccompanied. Any students who wish to volunteer and are younger than 16 will need to be accompanied by an adult.