HCPSS has extended the deadline for parents/guardians to make the commitment regarding sending their child to school for all or part of the week (depending on program availability) and receive virtual instruction the remainder of the week, or to have their child remain fully virtual for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.
This extended deadline gives families additional time to review the answers to hundreds of frequently asked questions about student in-person return and other student-related issues, as well as a comprehensive new Hybrid Learning document that will be shared with staff, students and families on February 5.
If you have not already done so, please complete the *two-question* commitment form in HCPSS Connect by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10.
If a parent/guardian does not complete the commitment form by the extended February 10 deadline, the system will default to select that the student will remain virtual for the remainder of the year. School administrators are available to respond to any questions or concerns.