Congratulations to the RHS Track and Field Teams!
The Howard County Track & Field Championships were held last week and our teams did very well! The Girls Team earned Fourth Place and the Boys Team came in Second Place!
Highlights include:
Katie Krutz -- 2nd Place in the Pole Vault
Lola Alli -- 2nd Place in the Shot Put and Discus
Girls 4 x 200m Relay Team of Imani Collins, Toni Jennings, Kayla Pindell and Bethany Golatt -- 3rd Place
Boys 4 x 200m Relay Team of Leroy Kamau, Isaaga Barry, Javare Peart and Brandong King -- 2nd Place
Yash Kommula -- 3rd Place in the Triple Jump
Kelvyn Sosoo -- 2nd Place in the 100m Dash
Brandon King -- 3rd place in the 300m Hurdles
Boys 4 x 100m Relay Team of Leroy Kamau, DeShon Anderson, Kelvyn Soso and Isaaga Barry -- 2nd Place
Boys 4 x 400m Relay Team of Brandon King, Chris Reckner, DeShon Anderson and Javare Peart -- 2nd Place
The following student-athletes are County Champions:
Kelvyn Sosoo -- 1st Place in the 200m Dash
Kayla Pindell -- 1st Place in the 300m Hurdles
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Team of Diamond Turner, Madi Pepe, Toni Jennings and Bethany Golatt -- 1st Place
Bryce Bruce -- 1st Place in the Discus
Congrats again to our team members on their strong performances! The 3A East Regional Championships will be held at Reservoir tomorrow. Come on out to support the teams!
Congratulations to the RHS Music Programs!
The Spring Concert Series concluded this past Friday night with fantastic performances by the Jazz Band, Women's Choir, Men's Choir, Madrigal Singers, and Symphonic Band! All of our groups were outstanding! The final number for the evening, America, The Beautiful, was an excellent way to end a wonderful evening!
Congratulations also to several of our music students who were awarded All State Honors this year! Marcus Campbell participated in the Senior All State Mixed Chorus and Tory Airapetian sang in the Senior All State Women's Choir. Eva Sauer and Kayla Krammes performed with the Senior All State Orchestra. In addition, Kirin Kambon was selected for the Junior All State Band. Finally, Funmi Erinle was selected as an All State Alternate for the Women's Choir. Well Done!
Thanks to our excellent directors and awesome Music Boosters for their efforts and support!
Congratulations to the New RHS National Latin Honor Society Members!
Recently the National Latin Honor Society had its induction ceremony and the following new members were inducted: Dylan Gellis, Akshaya James, Sarah Mapes, Madison McGrath, Evelyn Gates, Shelly Ignacio, Shelby Johnson, Russell Nesbitt, Maya Patel, Caroline Utz, Greeshma Anand, Emmet Tam, and Daniel Aguilar
They join the following current members: Ewan Ball, Emily Rowell, Brooke Chestlo, Timmy Schinner, Liam Engman, Chunlian Valchar, Fatima Koroma, Danielle Yu, Jarod Liberty, Amanda O'Shaughnessy, and Sachi Rai.
Congrats again to the new members! Thanks to Ms. Ruth Ann Besse for sponsoring the society!
Congratulations to the RHS Staff Members honored by SECAC!
The 18th Annual Special Education Committee Advisory Council (SECAC) Educator Recognition Program was held recently. Several staff members from Reservoir were nominated by parents, students, and/or community members for their efforts in promoting independence, inclusive practices, progress in academic areas, and/or promoting parent/staff partnerships.
Congratulations to the following staff members: Alicia Cohen, Carole Ferrante, Eunice French, Suzanne Hughes, Madge Johnson, Katie Keating, Adam Leader, Christine Long, Carol Messerly, Barb Mueller, Gina Nalli, Jonathan Phillips, Sarah Ragusa, Pat Saunderson, Bailey Shagogue, Frank White, John Wyseman, and Shante Young!
Congratulations to Meghan Sreenivas!
Meghna was recently named a 2016 United States Presidential Scholar! This honor recognizes 160 seniors from across the United States who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, artistic excellence, leadership, and service to their schools and communities. Five students represent Maryland for this prestigious honor!
These scholars will be honored for their accomplishments during a national recognition program to be held this June in Washington, DC. To commemorate this achievement, these students will be awarded Presidential Scholars Medallions at a ceremony sponsored by the White House.
As part of this program, the scholars were asked to select one teacher for recognition. While Meghna recognizes several very special teachers who have provided tremendous mentoring for her along the way, she decided to honor Ms. Grace Dellinger for this particular program.
Congrats again to Meghna, her family, our staff, and community on this outstanding honor!
Thanks to our 2015-16 PTSA Officers and Welcome to our 2016-17 PTSA Officers!
We want to express our appreciation to the following RHS parents who served on the PTSA Executive Board this year: Renee Kamen, Sarah Rehling, Jenny Webb, Sondra Ailinger, Tomica Phillips, Colleen Gigioli, Cheri Horne, and Towanda Brown. We also want to thank our Student Representative, Tim Horne, and all of our student and parent vounteers who helped with numerous projects throughout the year.
We also want to thank the following RHS family members who have stepped forward to lead this important community organization for 2016-17:
President: Renee Kamen
1st Vice President: Nicola Kennedy
2nd Vice President: Tomica Phillips
Recording Secretary: We are still looking for a special person to take minutes at our monthly meetings ... could it be you? Let us know.
Corresponding Secretary: Kim Griffith
Treasurer: Dawn White
PTAC Delegates (2): Cheri Horne and Towanda Brown
Thank you again ... you are a very special part of our school's success!
Thanks to Ms. Chris Armstrong and our Music Boosters!
The Music Banquet was held earlier this week and our Music Boosters officers for this year were honored as part of that ceremony. We want to thank Chris Armstrong, Prahalad Pateel, Karen Waters, Katie Davis, and all of the other volunteers who dedicated so much time and energy to this outstanding group this year.
In particular, the RHS Music Boosters Association and the entire Reservoir school community would like to salute Ms. Armstrong who is "graduating" this June after eight years of service. Ms. Armstrong ... and her husband Jim ... have been incredible volunteers and role models here at Reservoir. In honor of her service, we declared Wednesday, May 18, 2016 as "Chris Armstrong Day" at Reservoir. Please join us in applauding this exceptional volunteer, parent, teacher and musician!
Congratulations to our T4T Seniors and all of our seniors who were recognized at the Senior Evening of Excellence!
Our Annual Senior Evening of Excellence was held last night and many of our Class of 2016 students were recognized for their achievements ... what wonderful evening!
We will share the great news about our different seniors over the next few days ... today we will recognize the four students from Reservoir who have earned full scholarships to McDaniel College through the Howard County Public School System T4T:Teachers for Tomorrow Program. Irma Murhutta, Ricardo Loyola, Kory Williams, and Moises Zeleya applied for this scholarship and were chosen from many applicants across all Howard County high schools. Out of the 11 scholarships awarded for the entire county, Superintendent Renee Foose was very impressed that four Reservoir students were chosen. This is an outstanding accomplishment for these seniors, their families, and our community!
Congratulations to Jordan Pearson and Jarod Liberty!
Representing ARL and Reservoir, Jordan and Jarod took First Place in Gaming Design in the Skills USA state competition! Skills USA is a national program that supports training programs in technical, skilled, and service occupations. The organization also sponsors competitive activities in which students strive to achieve in a variety of occupational skill and leadership areas. As First Place State Champions, Jordan and will now go onto the National Competition. Best Wishes ... and congrats again!
Have a wonderful weekend! Go Gators!