Honor Societies

French National Honor Society (FNHS)

 The French National Honor Society seeks to uphold the national French NHS standards at RHS, and to provide community sevice to the school and to Francophone communities in need throughout the world.

Gregory Dubicki | Teacher | Gregory_Dubicki@hcpss.org

Math National Honor Society

. The Reservoir High School chapter of Mu Alpha Theta is designed to bring together a group of mathematically talented students in order to promote interest in mathematics and to provide an opportunity to help other students.

Jenny Rodgers | Teacher | Jenny_Rodgers@hcpss.org
Jason Grebe | Teacher | Jason_Grebe@hcpss.org

National Art Honor Society

The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is a group of students who meet weekly after school to promote art in our school and community. Members reach out to the community through hosting art exhibits, painting projects, making art to benefit charitable causes and working with schools and businesses in the area.

Samuel Rosen | Teacher | Samuel_Rosen@hcpss.org
Monique Johnson | Teacher | Monique_Johnson@hcpss.org

National Honor Society

The purpose of the RHS Chapter of the National Honor Society is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in students of Reservoir High School

Jason Kolasinski | Teacher | Jason_Kolasinski@hcpss.org

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)


NTHS honors the achievements of leading CTE students, provides scholarships, and cultivates excellence in today's highly competitive, skilled workforce.

David Burke | Teacher | David_Burke@hcpss.org

Reservoir Scholars

Reservoir Scholars promotes advanced academic opportunities for our highest-level learners, challenging them to maximize their intellectual potential and enhance their high school learning experiences.  This program includes activities outside of school that engage creative thinking and social interaction as well as a recognition program for students who maintain a 3.4 weighted GPA and have successfully completed the required number of advanced academic courses.


Applications will be available for Seniors in the spring!

Brian Drnec | School Counselor | Brian_Drnec@hcpss.org

RHS Scholars' Leadership Program

The RHS Scholars' Leadership Program (formally called the Delta Scholars) is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while developing characteristics essential to leadership. 

Olivia Lumpkin | Paraeducator | Olivia_Lumpkin@hcpss.org

Science National Honor Society

SNHS will be the prominent scientific organization that will engender a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America. We pledge to:

  • Encourage and recognize scientific and intellectual thought
  • Advance the students knowledge of classical and modern science
  • Communicate with the scientific community
  • Aid the civic community with its comprehension of science
  • Encourage students to participate in community service and in turn, encourage a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all humankind
Katherine Yienger | Teacher | Katherine_Yienger@hcpss.org

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish National Honor Society)

The SHH is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish. The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and to promote interest in Hispanic studies.

Marissa Willman | Marisa_Willman@hcpss.org
Lisa Carl | Teacher, Instructional Team Leader (ITL) | Lisa_Carl@hcpss.org

Tri-Music National Honor Society

The purpose is to broaden the outreach of the music department to the school and community in addition to supporting normal music department functions. Students must be currently enrolled in a music performance ensemble and have applied to be a member. Meets: 3rd Monday of the month, 2:45-3:15, Room 102

Greg Knauf | Teacher | GKnauf@hcpss.org
Colin O'Bryan | Teacher | Colin_O'Bryan@hcpss.org
James Kranz | James_Kranz@hcpss.org