Week in Review - April 4 - April 15, 2016

Congratulations to our Visual Arts Program!

The artwork of 55 students from Reservoir has been included in the 44th Howard County Public School System's Annual Spring Exhibition at the Mall in Columbia. Artwork will be displayed throughout the Mall (high school work is on the Second Floor). The exhibit can be viewed through April 20. Be sure to check it out!

Congratulations to the following students who have work featured in the show:

Ramsha Ajaz, Kemel Aragorn, Ashley Ardolini, Courtney Ashman, Octavia Ashton, Emma Bailey, Christina Barrett, Joseph Benson, Rachel Bisson, Trinity Callender, Addie Consoli, Tyler Copeland, Jordyn Davis, Emily Earl, Mei Egoshi, German Flores Flores, Gavin Fournet, Kimberly Garcia, Alejandro Gonzalez, Jessie Guchhait, Juli Hancock, Emily Herberholz, Victoria Henry, Lee Hibbert, Ben Hyatt, Fredy Jimenez, Ricky Jones-Olivares, Lilly LaFemina, Emily Long, Kristen Loo, Garrett Lyons, Jasmine McDowell, Merry Meyers, Jarithza Murillo, Riya Patel, Anthony Payne, Julia Payne, Cassidy Pham, Jessika Phipps, Shannon Roarty, Ashley Rothermel, Emily Rowell, Reilly Saunderson, Anthony Sevilla, Jimmy Stafford, Ashlea Strott, Tierra Thornton, Melina Toibero, Isbeiri Ventura, Aron Weems, Jillian Weinman, Chrystal Wilson, Sam Winters-Mccabe, Mehek Yousaf, Vivian Zhuang

In addition, our Advanced Photography classes have a gallery of prints on display at The Savage Mill throughout April.  Please take some time to go over and view our student photographers' outstanding work!

Congratulations to the following students:  Brendan Hankins, Brittney Hoover, Ally Webb, Jennifer Tran, Kayley Tarantino, Rachelle Cabrera, Robert Lapierre, Leah Simmons, Sanaa Lakhani, Brett Size, Tommy Tucker, Robin Bailey, Ananya Mathur, Thomas Yost, Jon Howe, Feraz Bhatti, Ian Calma, Sami Bell, Jason Hess, Diana Yuille, Lyta Christian, Alexis Clark, Tim Horne, Maki Balderson, Ayanna Robinson, Jamie Hyatt, and Mark Smith

Congratulations again to all of these students!  Congratulations also to our excellent Art teachers:  Mr. Greg English, Ms. Danielle Klim, Ms. Christine Long, and Mr. William Borja!

Congratulations to the Allied Softball Team! 

The Allied Softball Team started off the season with a big win on Tuesday!  Will Alexion hit 2 home runs and Becca Quintern, Gillian Eisenberg, Chris Dominguez, Marcus Grant, Konnor Young, Yihui Wang, and Wesley Baker all contributed great hits.  The team will play the first home game this afternoon against Wilde Lake at 3 PM in the Main Gym.  Congrats again to the team and Coach Hughes!

Congratulations to Ms. Jessica Kohout! 

Ms. Kohout was chosen several months ago by the National Science Teachers Association to give a presentation on her work with data collection at the NSTA national conference in Nashville.  Ms. Kohout gave this presentation during Spring Break and received wonderful accolades for her efforts.  We all have known that Ms. Kohout is an outstanding educator, but now educators from across the county know also ... what a great representative for Reservoir High and Howard County!  Thank you, Ms. Kohout!

Congratulations to Ms. Laura Farro!

Ms. Farro was recognized as 2015-16 Howard County World Languages Teacher of the Year at the HCPSS World Language Fair on Saturday.  Ms. Farro has developed a very strong Italian program here at Reservoir.  Her students get to experience many wonderful language and cultural experiences!  Ms. Farro also serves as our Ninth Grade Team Co-Leader and works with our Alpha Achievers Club too.   Congrats again to Ms. Farro on a well deserved honor ... Magnifico!

Congratulations to the Track and Field Teams!

The teams competed against Wilde Lake and Long Reach in a tri-meet last Tuesday.  The boys and girls both won and recorded some really good performances!

Toni Jennings ran a personal best time in the 100 M Dash and a personal best in the 100 M Hurdles, earning the second best time in the state at this time.  Safiaya Umrani set PR times in the 100 M Dash and 200 M Dash!

Chauncey Upsher and Greg Crawford ran outstanding times in the 100 M Dash and also set personal records.  Meah Konstanzer, a freshman, ran two amazing races yesterday.  She ran a personal best time in the 1600 M Run (36 second improvement) and a 14 second PR in the 800m run.  Also a freshman, Ryleigh Griffin ran a PR in the 1600 M Run by more than a full minute!

Freshman Noah Kim ran another PR in the 1600 M Run, lowering his time to 4:53.18.  Chrithans Somuah also ran a great time in the 400 M Run, setting a 5 second personal best time for her  Imani Collins ran a big PR in the 200 M Dash.  Al Hernandez ran a great 800 M Run, recording a personal best time for 2:16.99!

The teams also had a lot of excitement in the throwing events.  Bryce Bruce threw a 4 personal best throw of 43' in the Shot Put and also had a 12' PR in the Discus of 142' that ranks as the #1 throw in the state!  Lola Alli won the Shot Put with a great throw of 32' and set a 4' PR of 104' in the Discus.  Currently Lola is ranked #3 in the state in the Discus!  Alec Goodman had a 5' personal best throw in the Shot & a 3' personal best throw in the Discus.  Justin Shepard had a 3' personal best in the Shot & a 10' improvement in the Discus.  Finally, Debola Olugbile had a 4' personal best throw in the Shot.

Several of our Varsity runners participated in the Golden Ram Invitational at West Chester University in Pennsylvania this past Saturday.  You can find all the results on our team website:  http://rezzitrackandfield.wikispaces.com/Outdoor+Track+%26+Field+Results+2016#top

In other Track and Field news, Kelvyn Sosoo was selected as First Team All County for the Indoor Track and Field season!  Congrats, Kelvyn!

Congrats again to our Track and Field Team members and coaches!

Congratulations to our newest Alpha Achievers!

Before Spring Break, our Alpha Achievers Club officers and their sponsor, Mr. Frank White, organized a wonderful evening induction ceremony with distinguished guests such as County Councilman Calvin Ball and retired Howard County Public School Principal Jesse Smith.

The following students were inducted as new members:  Jordan White, Jaylin Hardin, Eliot Nguemaleu Tchobou, Myles Ferreira, Terroll Bent, Joseph Miller, Amir Moore, Tobenna Chukwijekwu, Jordan Washington, Joshua Bradford, Troy Putney, Stephan Khongaa, Michaek Augins, Segni Melaku, Ugo Tabugbo, and Max Reed.

In order to be offered membership in this excellent student organization, a student must have at least a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate strong leadership and service.  Congratulations again to the newest inductees and our club officers!  If any students would like more information about getting involved in this group, they should contact Mr. White in Student Services.

Congratulations to the MESA Team! 

Recently we reported on our MESA Club's performance at the Howard County High School MESA Day Championships.  Our Prosthetic Arm Team was congratulated for achieving Third Place!  We just found out that there was a miscalculation on the day of the competition ... once this miscalculation was corrected, our Cyber Robot Team of Melody Meyers, Declan Downie, Josh Howard and Sean Custer moved up to Second Place!  Great to see two of our MESA teams succeeding against strong competition from the rest of Howard County! Congratulations to these students and our club sponsor, Mr. David Burke!

Announcing National Assistant Principals Week!

April 11-15 is designated across the United States as National Assistant Principals Week.  We want to express our appreciation for the hard work and dedication of Mr. Michael Babe, Dr. Mathias Bama, Mr. Adam Downes, and Ms. Nelda Sims.  They are outstanding educators and role models for our students.  Please join us in thanking them when you get the chance at an upcoming school event.

Congratulations to our students in Latin!

A few weeks ago, several of our students who take Latin this year participated in the National Latin Exam.  The results are now in and our students did quite well!  Congratulations to the following students:

Latin III:

Silver medal
Fatima Koroma
Brooke Chestlo
Russell Nesbitt

Magna Cum Laude Certificate
Liam Engman
Amanda O'Shaughnessy
Sachi Rai

Latin II

Gold Medal
Caroline Utz

Cum Laude Certificate
Cypress Hicks
Greeshma Anand
Kai Muniz
Michelle Ignacio

Latin I

Gold Medal
Francis Yasay
Alex Sadzewicz
Mary Kate Sisk
Eric Yang
Al Hernandez

Silver Medal
Olivia Prince
Brendan Carter
Ann Trimble
Veanessya Vazquez Lopez

Magna Cum Laude Certificate
Claire O'Shaughnessy
Eric Scholz
Ben Williams
Ryan Kwak
Ethan Grammer

Cum Laude Certificate
Morgan Donohoe
Brooke Robertson
Abigail Wang

Congratulations again to these students!  Congratulations also to our Latin teacher, Ms. Ruth Ann Besse!  Thanks to Ms. Michelle Hyde, Mr. Kosta Charalampous, Ms. Reyna Jarocki, and Ms. Heather Newman for their support of this important initiative!

Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball Team!

The team is in the middle of another competitive season.  Recently the team earned a major win in extra innings against rival Mount Hebron on Friday.  Max Goron threw a great game.  Going into the 10th inning with a 3-3 tie, the Gators put six runs on the board.  Eric Niederhauser closed the game on the mound securing the win.  Congrats again to the team and our wxcellent coaches, Mr. Adam Leader and Mr. Dave Boteler!

Congratulations to the Allied Softball Team! 

The team won its third straight game with a strong 13-3 win over Oakland Mills on Tuesday.  Will Alexion had a home run and a double to lead the team while Konnor Young and Gillian Eisenberg each batted in 2 runs.  Marcus Grant, Yihui Wang, Chris Dominguez, and Tosin Akinwale all contributed big hits.  Come out to see the team take on Atholton this afternoon at 3 PM in the Main Gym.  Congrats again to the team and Coach Suzanne Hughes!

Congratulations to our TCOE Senior Scholars!

On Wednesday evening, 75 Reservoir seniors were recognized by the Howard County Council of Elders for their strong academic performance throughout their high school careers.  Not only were we proud to have the most students recognized, we were even prouder to learn that we also had the most seniors (18) recognized for have a 4.0 or higher cumulative GPA!

During the ceremony, one of our seniors, Mariah Abraham, was honored with the Gloria Washington Wallace Award, recognizing Mariah's academic improvement and leadership during her high school career.  This is the fifth year in a row that a Reservoir senior has been chosen for one of the four special county wide awards.  Finally, Jordan Pearson's video on Baltimore: Charm City" was featured as the closing for this special event.

Congratulations again to all of these students!  Thanks to Ms. Harriet Beckham Lee, our BSAP Academic Specialist, for her support, guidance, and leadership!

Have a wonderful weekend!  Go Gators!