Congratulations to Visual Arts Program!
The 26th Annual Howard County Senior Show and Portfolio Development Exhibition is now on display at the Howard County Central Office Art Gallery. This exhibition showcases and recognizes the best work from advanced art and photography high school students around the county. Reservoir is proud to be strongly represented by 18 students whose work was accepted into the exhibit! The show is on display from April 15 - May 18 with an awards ceremony and opening reception on April 21 at 6:00pm at the James Rouse Theatre at Wilde Lake High School.
At the awards ceremony, senior Alexis Clark will represent Reservoir with a speech and presentation about her work. We are very proud of Alexis and wish her the best of luck! All are welcome to attend this free event to support Alexis and the artists in the show.
Congratulations to the following students who have work exhibited:
Ian Calma
Lyta Christian
Alexis Clark
Brendan Hankins
Victoria Henry
Jon Howe
Jamie Hyatt
Ruining Jia
Sanaa Lakhani
Sydney Lanham
Mariah Lodise
Sandra Lopez Aguilar
Aly Lyons
Amanda O'Shaughnessy
Ayanna Robinson
Mark Smith
Kayley Tarantino
Cece Wood
Congrats again to these students and our wonderful Art teachers!
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Wizard of Oz!
Our spring play was tremendous, playing to full houses two weekends ago. Audience members from 2 to 92 years old loved the performances involving more than 75 students from Reservoir and area elementary and middle school! The talent and dedication of all of students on stage, behind stage, in the pit, the sound booth, and lighting areas were very evident as everyone there kept commenting on how this show should be on Broadway!
Special thanks to the Alumni, staff members, parents, and Alumni parents who contributed in so many ways to the success of this very special event in our school community! Finally, a huge kudos to Ms. Jessica Binder and Dr. Greg Knauf who are the incredible duo who bring these shows to life each year ... already looking forward to hear what is happening next year ... BRAVO!
Congratulations to the RHS Swim Club!
The Swim Club recently participated in the Annual Howard County High School Swim Meet at Howard County Community College. Winning two Individual events and two Relays, the team came in 6th place overall. Congratulations to the following swimmers:
Top Five Individual Finishers:
Christina Barrett -- 4th in 100 IM and 5th in 50 Breaststroke
Henry Buda -- 5th in 100 Butterfly
Eanna Hehir-Keys -- 4th in 50 Breaststroke and 4th in 100 Freestyle
Claire O’Shaughnessy -- 1st in 50 Butterfly and 1st in 100 Freestyle
Eric Scholz -- 5th in 100 Freestyle
Taylor Spillman -- 2nd in 100 Breaststroke and 2nd in 200 Freestyle
Top Five Relay Teams:
1st -- Women 200 Free Relay of Taylor Spillman, Eanna Hehir-Keys, Christina Barrett, and Claire O’Shaughnessy
1st -- Mixed 250 Free Relay of Eanna Hehir-Keys, Claire O’Shaughnessy, Eric Scholz, and Henry Buda
4th -- Mixed 200 Medley Relay of Taylor Spillman, Eric Scholz, Alethea Zischang, and Mark Smith
Congratulations again to all of our Swim Club members and also to RHS Swim Club Sponsor, Ms. Jill Altshuler!
Congratulations to the Madrigals!
Under the direction of Dr. Greg Knauf, several members of our Madrigals performed the National Anthem at the Special Olympics Inspiration Walk around Centennial Park. Thanks to Ellen Campbell, Jenelle Chu, Sean Custer, Rebecca Dockendorf, Ryan Hagedorn, Danielle Mortensen, Marcus Pendleton, and Daima Rosado for lending their wonderful voices to this outstanding event! The Madrigals and DK were complimented by County Executive Allan Kittleman and the Oriole Bird ... the crowd was mesmerized and gave the group a wonderful ovation! Check out the pictures on RHS Twitter (hcpss_rhs) ... a special thanks to all of these students and to DK for representing our community so well!
Congratulations to our Biology classes that participated in the Howard County Watershed Report Card Project!
This county initiative is a year-long, authentic science project designed to help monitor and improve the waterway conditions around our schools and throughout the county. Biology students in Ms. Hughes and Ms. Kohout's classes spent time throughout the school year assessing the Reservoir school yard and two different sections of the Middle Patuxent River. The First Annual Watershed Gala was recently held at Reservoir to showcase the group's findings. These students also participated in an event last week held at the Howard County Conservancy that involved all county high schools along with county and state officials to present and discuss the research conducted by each high school team. Congratulations again to our students, Ms. Hughes, and Ms. Kohout for their excellent work on this very important project!
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad Team!
On Saturday, April 23, the Science Olympiad Team represented Reservoir in our first State Tournament at Johns Hopkins University. Coach Stephanie Doodigian was very proud of the team members' perseverance and hard work! The team earned four medals! In the Dynamic Planet category, Prerana Katpally and Rebecca Li earned 3ed Place. Emmet Tam and Alan Ismaiel took the 3rd Place Medal in Wright Stuff Airplane. Fourth place ribbons were awarded to Emily Fourney and Prerana Katpally for Air Trajectory and also to Naveed Nekoo, lead builder, and Emmet Tam in the Electric Vehicle category!
Congratulations to the students named above and also to Greeshma Anand, Dutch Schulden, Salma Khairat, Zaira Girala, Amal Hussain, Jessica Koh, Larab Fatima, and Julia Yoon who did a fantastic job qualifying for and competing in the State Tournament! Thanks to Ms. Doodigian for her time and dedication to this new RHS club!
Congratulations to our ACT-SO Participants!
On Sunday, April 24, several Reservoir students participated in the Howard County NAACP Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO). The Reservoir community was well represented by Yasmine Allen, Taylor Washington, Paula Archampong, and Chrystal Wilson! Congratulations to the following award winners:
Yasmine Allen- Gold Medalist for Photography
Taylor Washington- Essay, Silver Medalist for Painting
Chrystal Wilson- Gold Medalist for Painting, Poetry (Written), and Poetry (Spoken)
As Gold Medalists, Yasmine and Chrystal will represent the Howard County NAACP Branch in the National ACT-SO Competition in Cincinnati,Ohio in July. Congrats again to all of the students who participated in this event ... Good Luck to Yasmine and Chrystal at Nationals!
Congratulations to the Visual Arts Program!
Reservoir has a large number of students involved in the 26th Annual Howard County Senior Show and Portfolio Development Exhibition now on display at the Howard County Central Office Art Gallery on Route 108. This juried exhibition showcases and recognizes the best work from advanced art and photography high school students around the county. Reservoir is proud to be strongly represented by 18 students who had work accepted for this exhibit! The show is on display from April 15 - May 18. The gallery is open 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
During the Awards Ceremony and Opening Reception on April 21 at the Wilde Lake High Rouse Theatre, senior Alexis Clark represented the Reservoir Art Department with a speech and presentation about her work. Alexis' message about her journey as an artist was powerful and very well received by the audience!
In addition, several Reservoir students received special awards. Aly Lyons received an Honorable Mention for her self-portrait painting. Jon Howe earned an Honorable Mention for his digital photograph. Finally, Amanda O’Shaughnessy won a Juror’s Portfolio Prep Award for her dress crafted from college letters.
Congratulations to all of our student artists involved in this project: Ian Calma, Lyta Christian, Alexis Clark, Brendan Hankins, Victoria Henry, Jon Howe, Jamie Hyatt, Ruiting Jia, Sanaa Lakhani, Sydney Lanham, Mariah Lodise, Sandra Lopez Aguilar, Aly Lyons, Amanda O'Shaughnessy, Ayanna Robinson, Mark Smith, Kayley Tarantino, and Cece Wood! Thanks to Ms. Greg English, Christine Long, Danielle Klim, and Mr. William Borja!
Congratulations to the JV Cheerleaders!
Following a performance at a local STEM Festival earlier this year, the team was invited to cheer on stage again with the Science Cheerleaders (current and former cheerleaders for pro teams who are also scientists) for an even bigger audience at the USA Science and Engineering STEM Festival last Sunday at the Washington Convention Center. The team had a great time cheering and visiting all of the exhibits. The crowd loved their performance. Thanks to JV Cheer Coach Janel Thomas who also works at NASA with some of the satellite engineers for providing this opportunity for our students!
Congratulations to our Third Quarter Honor Roll Students!
Over 700 students earned Honor Roll for Third Quarter, including 114 students who earned "Straight A" grades! Thanks to the PTSA for sponsoring our Quarterly Honor Roll Celebration that will be held next Friday, May 6. Congratulations again to our Honor Roll students and families!
Congratulations to our GT Research Program!
Our GT Independent Research and Intern/Mentor students and Ms. Janine Kucik, GT Research Teacher, have had a very busy week!
At the Howard County Public School System Annual GT Student Learning Conference on Monday, Reservoir was well represented by several students. Fatima Larab and Julia Yoon served on the Student Executive Board, the student group that helped organize this outstanding program. In the first session, Ares Shackleford presented his research on "The Technological Age and Marketing Campaigns. In Session Two, Immamul Morsilin and his two partners from other schools discussed their work on thin films and deposition systems at Blue Wave Semiconductors.
In the third session, Jordan Mess explained the "Big Data Revolution: The Numbers that Control our Lives" to a very large audience in the main auditorium. Finally, Mary Kate Sisk presented her research on "Stretching and Athletic Performance" in the last session of research presentations. The program ended with Fine Arts performances from each county high school; Sarah and Sarene Owusu performed their state championship piece entitled, "The Delany Sisters."
All of these students were incredible! They received excellent feedback and great accolades for their well prepared and thorough presentations and performances!
On Wednesday evening, the Annual Reservoir High GT Research Celebration of Excellence showcased the efforts of all of our students in the Independent Research and Intern/Mentor courses. Everyone who attended was extremely impressed by the high level research that our students are conducting with the help of Ms. Kucik and over 50 advisors and mentors. Our advisors and mentors this year represent such organizations as Howard County General Hospital, Johns Hopkins University, JHU-APL, Maryland Surgeons, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Harvard Business School, Potomac Valley Orthopaedic Associates, Dreamscape Marketing, Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, Blue Wave Semiconductors, and Hackground. Thank you, thank you to all of these wonderful professionals and organizations for your willingness to work with fantastic students! THANKS also to Ms. Kucik for her dedication to making this program a worthwhile learning experience and huge success for our community!
Congratulations to the Culture Club on another outstanding Heritage Night!
Heritage Night is a treasured event each year at Reservoir High! Started years ago by Ms. Gisela Cooke, Heritage Night featured dishes from Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This wonderful event also included a Fashion Show with students wearing traditional outfits from countries such as Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana, China, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Panama, and Mexico. Finally, the evening concluded with more than 15 cultural performances, including traditional dances, poetry recitations, music performances, and a comedy sketch. Thanks to the many students and families who contributed to Heritage Night! Special Thanks to Ms. Cooke, Mr. Faheem Chishty, Ms. Heather Newman, and Ms. Marisa Willman who serve as Culture Club Sponsors ... thanks to all of the other staff members who attended too. What a great night ... check out the pictures and videos on the school Twitter, hcpss_rhs!
Have a wonderful weekend! Go Gators!