Week in Review - March 7 - March 11, 2016

Congratulations to the Wrestling Team!

AJ Strott, Tyler Ecker, Todd Del Tufo, and Shawn Hamilton qualified for the State Championships based on their excellent performances at the Regional Championships!  This past Friday and Saturday, the State Championships were held at the University of Maryland - College Park.  Tyler, Todd, and Shawn did very well ... they each won at least one match against some very tough competition!

In a very exciting match, AJ Strott won the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP in the 195 lb. weight class!

Congratulations to AJ, Todd, Shawn, and Tyler!

Congrats also to Head Coach Andrew McIntyre, Assistant Coach Josh Hamilton, and Assistant Coach Jessie Moore!


Congratulations to the RHS Boosters Club!

The Annual Gator Gala was held this past weekend and was a huge success! The event was both a great fundraiser and "fun raiser" ... everyone enjoyed getting together to catch up with old friends, meet new friends, eat some good food, play games, and participate in a silent auction with so many cool items. Over $9,000 was raised to support our school's clubs, teams, and groups.

The Boosters also help to sponsor many of our school projects, such as the new digital sign in front of the school, the wall mats in the gym, the baseball and softball dugouts, the academic trophy case, After Prom prizes, Honor Roll and Senior Evening of Excellence, and many other initiatives.

Special thanks to Ms. Kathy Dudzinski, Boosters Club President, and the many, many fantastic people who helped out and/or made donations ... very much appreciated!

Congratulations to the Vocal Music Programs!

The Concert Choir and Chamber Choir (the Madrigals) performed at the Howard County Choral Music Assessment yesterday at Howard High.  Both groups received very positive remarks from the adjudicators and audience!  Our students looked great and sung beautifully!

In particular, the Madrigals earned excellent feedback for their amazing renditions of "My Spirit Sang All Day," "Even When He is Silent," and "Nyon, Nyon."

Thanks to all of our choral students and Dr. Greg Knauf for all of your hard work and dedication ... can't wait to see some of these songs performed again at the Spring Concert!

Congratulations to the Visual Arts Program!

Many of our students have had their artwork chosen for two county exhibits!

Wonderful news ... we look forward to seeing our students' work on display!

The students listed below were selected to have artwork or photography on display at a countywide exhibit called Game Changers: Collaboration, Play and the Search for New Ideas.  The exhibition is on display at the Howard County Center for the Arts in Ellicott City from March 11 - April 22.  Everyone is invited to attend the reception on April 14th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.

Yasmine Allen
Alexis Clark
Emily Fonseca
Evelyn Gates
Nora Hegglin
Jason Hess
Fatima Korona
Madhava Paliyam
Bryan Rodriguez-Cortez
Alex Sadzewicz
Brooke Saunderson
Gracie Shaeffer
Jimmy Stafford
Allison Wagner
Thomas Yost

The Montpelier Arts Center in Laurel is hosting the 4th Annual Juried Teen Exhibition: Artists on the Rise. Several Reservoir students had work accepted into this juried show!  The exhibition runs from March 10 - March 28. Everyone is invited to the reception on Saturday, March 12 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM.

Congratulations to the artists and photographers listed below!

Sami Bell
Lilly Lafemina
Amanda O’Shaughnessy
Ashley Rothermel
Sam Shulse
Mark Smith
Thomas Yost
Vivian Zhuang

Congratulations to all of these students! Thanks to Mr. Greg English, Ms. Christine Long, Ms. Danielle Klim, and Mr. William Borja for their excellent work with our art classes!

Have a great weekend...Go Gators!