HCPSS Announces Class of 2021 Graduation Window

Howard County Public School System has confirmed the window for the 2021 high school graduations as Monday, May 24-Friday, May 28, 2021 and Tuesday, June 1-Friday, June 11, 2021.

HCPSS is preparing multiple options regarding hosting this year’s graduation ceremonies, including in-person and virtual events. Final decisions regarding format and location will be dependent on community health metrics during the weeks prior to graduation, as well as other factors including site availability. During the January 7, 2021 Board meeting, Superintendent Michael J. Martirano noted that the system is planning for in-person traditional senior activities to the extent possible.

HCPSS has made this early announcement of the graduation window to accommodate planning by parents, students, schools and community members. Specific information regarding the dates, times and format of each graduation ceremony will be provided as soon as it becomes available.