Cancellation of August 29 SAT Administration in HCPSS Schools

Due to health and safety concerns, HCPSS school facilities will not be available for the Saturday, August 29 administration date. The following schools were registered as test sites for the Saturday, August 29 administration: Centennial, Glenelg, Hammond, Mount Hebron, Reservoir, River Hill and Wilde Lake high schools.

At this time, no decision has been made for the Saturday, September 26 administration of the SAT, with the following schools currently registered as test sites: Centennial, Glenelg, Oakland Mills and Reservoir high schools. HCPSS will continue to collaborate with the CollegeBoard on health and safety guidance to determine the feasibility of future administrations.

We realize that many families were relying on these summer and fall SAT administrations and we thank you for your patience as HCPSS coordinates with CollegeBoard. CollegeBoard has asked colleges to extend deadlines for receiving test scores and to equally consider students for admission who are unable to take the tests due to COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation as we work together to ensure the health and well-being of our students and families during this unprecedented time.

Please monitor the CollegeBoard COVID-19 update page (Links to an external site.) for more information.