RHS Grading Calculator
Quarter 3 is ending (March 31st), but there is still time for students to improve their grades! Students can use this grade calculator to determine what grade they must earn in the remaining quarters to achieve their desired final grade. Additionally, students can use the Calculating Final Grades document published by HCPSS to understand the grading policy.
Academic Supports
Beyond School Hours
Reservoir High School offers free after-school tutoring in several subjects, including Algebra 1, Geometry, English, Social Studies, Earth/Space Science, Biology, Advanced Physical Science, and Spanish. Students will have the opportunity to receive homework help and extra instruction from RHS Teachers. Although students do not need to attend every day, tutoring will take place from 2:15-3:30PM in the Cafeteria, Tuesday-Thursday. If interested, please reach out to your School Counselor. If you have any questions about this program, please get in touch with Mr. Adamko (matthew_adamko@hcpss.org).
Math National Honor Society Tutoring
If you're struggling with a concept or topic in your Math class, join us in Ms. Flynn's room (Room 324) for free Math tutoring, Monday-Thursday, from 2:15-3PM.
Science National Honor Society Tutoring
After-school Science tutoring in Room 311, Monday-Thursday from 2:15-3PM.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside the classroom.
Howard County Public Library LIVE Homework Help
Howard County Public Library offers free virtual tutoring from 2-11:55 PM. Students visit the site and are linked with a tutor for almost any subject!
Howard County Public Library Homework Resources