SAT Test & Prep

SAT TEST 2022-2023

It is not too late. Go to CollegeBoard to register (or set up an account to register).  If you have questions, schedule an appointment with your school counselor. 

Test Dates:

Mar 11, 2023 - Registration Deadline = Feb 10, 2023; Feb 28, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)
May 6, 2023 - Registration Deadline = April 7, 2023; April 25, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)
June 3, 2023 - Registration Deadline = May 4, 2023; May 23, 2023 (late registration made online or by phone)

Affordable SAT & ACT Prep in Partnership with RHS PTSA

The Answer Class - Affordable SAT & ACT Prep helps students gain confidence in their test-taking abilities and teaches tips and strategies on timing, guessing, and scoring.  Students get the prep they need, and the school benefits, too: 20% of tuition collected is donated to RHS PTSA. 3,400 HoCo students have already benefited from the prep, and $89,000+-, has been donated to our HoCo partner schools, which includes Reservoir HS!

45+ In-Person & Live Virtual SAT & ACT Prep classes are now available! Register and view our full schedule of in-person and live virtual classes here. Your student can attend ANY Answer Class, and RHS PTSA will continue to earn the donation!