Spring 2023 Sports Registration

Spring sports registration starts Tuesday, January 17. Please see below for a list of available sports and the coach’s contact information.

Allied Softball-Coach Dellinger, grace_dellinger@hcpss.org
Boys Lacrosse-contact Coach Cole, bryan_cole@hcpss.org
Girls Lacrosse-contact Coach-Miller, amanda_miller2@hcpss.org
Tennis-contact Coach Ferrante, carole_ferrante@hcpss.org
Softball-contact Coach Frisvold, julie_frisvold@hcpss.org
Baseball-contact Coach Leader, adam_leader@hcpss.org
Outdoor Track-contact Coach Rogers, philip_rogers@hcpss.org

How to Register

To register, you can visit HCPSS Connect, and on the left panel, under More Options, select Athletic Registration. Registration closes on February 27, so make sure all paperwork is completed and submitted online. Please follow our page's Instructions for Sports Registration information and to access the Physical Evaluation form

Walk-ups are not allowed to participate in any tryouts.