Transcript Requests & Post Secondary Planning Resources


Transcript Request Information & Education Verifications


Current Reservoir Students:

Unofficial Transcripts: Students can obtain unofficial transcripts by going to, logging into Synergy using their active directory, and looking under “report cards.”

Official Transcripts (non-college related): Students who need an official transcript for a purpose other than applying to college (i.e.: internship, scholarships, jobs, military, athletics) will need to complete the Current Student Transcript Request Form.   All college transcript requests will be made through Naviance.  Please see your counselor for more information. 

Official Transcripts (college-related): Please visit this link to see how to obtain an official transcript for college applications.

HCPSS Graduates (Graduates before 2024):

HCPSS is now using ScribOrder to fulfill all transcript and diploma requests for previous graduates and graduation and diploma verifications. ScribOrder manages requests, verifications, and secure payments. Request progress can be tracked after creating your ScribOrder account.




Check out these fantastic resources! 

  1. 2025 HCPSS College Application Site:  This website is a one stop shop for all things related to college application.  It includes step by step instructions, screencasts, resources, and FAQ.  Seniors should bookmark this page!
  2. March2Future Postsecondary Planning Series:  HCPSS offers a postsecondary webinar series every other Wednesday.  This document includes the list of sessions, registration links, and recordings.
  3. Postsecondary Events Google Calendar:  The postsecondary google calendar includes all events that relate to postsecondary preparation.  Whenever HCPSS receives information about an event, we add it to this calendar.
  4. 24-25 Scholarship List:  HCPSS maintains a scholarship list that includes local, state, national and school specific scholarships.
  5. 24-25 Enrichment and Opportunities:  HCPSS maintains a list of all work, volunteer, educational, and internship opportunities.
  6. College and Career Weekly Emails:  These are our weekly emails that are sent out via canvas.  This slideshow includes all postsecondary opportunities as well as current updates on postsecondary topics.
  7. HCPSS Monthly Spotlight:  HCPSS is "spotlighting" a different career cluster every month. This google site provides information on each spotlight, including career pathways, connection to HCPSS courses and clubs, and more.