2024-2025 Attendance Information and Resources
Reservoir HS Attendance Protocols
Please use the following Google form to report a student's absence, tardiness, or early dismissal.
- Note: All adjustments and/or changes can take up to 48 hours.
- Additional information on HCPSS Policy 9010 can be found by clicking on this link.
All absence, tardy, and early dismissal notes can be submitted through the RHS Attendance Google Form.
All absence and/or tardy notes must be submitted within five days of absence or tardy.
The absence will remain unexcused if the note is received after the five-day grace period.
The absence will be documented as Truant (unexcused) if a note is not received.
Late Arrival Procedures
Students who arrive late to school will enter through the main entrance. (All other entrances, including gym doors, will be locked at the start of the school day). The student will proceed to the attendance window and see the attendance secretary to check in.
All students will be marked unexcused until a tardy note is received.
Students will be provided with a pass to report to class.
Early Dismissals
Early dismissal requests are reviewed twice daily—once in the morning and again in the afternoon. When a parent submits an early dismissal request electronically (via Google Form or email), the student will receive a pass to leave class at the requested time. The student will then report to the attendance window to sign out.
When a parent, guardian, or an adult designated by the parent/guardian arrives to pick up a student, they must present a valid ID to the attendance secretary. Students will only be released to individuals authorized in the student’s family file and specifically recorded in Synergy as an approved party by the parent or legal guardian. If a student has parental permission to drive themselves or walk to their appointment, this must be explicitly stated in the early dismissal request.
Dismissal Process for Pre-Submitted Requests:
Students will receive a pass to leave class once the RHS Attendance Google Form or email request has been submitted by the student's guardian and processed by the attendance secretary.
Students must sign out at the attendance window before leaving.
Parent/Guardian ID Requirements:
Parents/guardians must show a photo ID at the attendance window every time they pick up a student, even if the staff member assisting is familiar with the family. This ensures we maintain fairness and consistency in our processes and procedures.
For last-minute appointments, parents/guardians must arrive at the attendance window to present their photo ID and sign out their student before the student can be called from class.
Timing and Deadlines:
Please allow sufficient time for dismissal requests to be processed.
All early dismissals should be completed by 2:15 PM.
Last-Minute Appointments:
If no RHS Attendance Google Form or email has been submitted in advance, parents/guardians must come into the building to show ID and sign out their student.
Student Responsibilities:
Students returning to school must check in at the attendance window upon arrival.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as this process is completed to ensure the safety of all students.
For your convenience, you can submit your dismissal requests in advance using the RHS Attendance Google Form or email the attendance office at AttendanceEmail@RHS.edu.
*Please ask your student(s) to check in at the attendance window if they return.
What is considered an excused absence?
A lawful absence is an excused absence for any portion of the day under the following conditions:
Illness of the student
Death in the immediate family
Court summons
Hazardous weather conditions (as determined by the Superintendent)
State emergency (as determined by the Governor)
Lack of authorized transportation (school system transportation)
Observance of a religious holiday - Religious Obligation: Request for Absence form
Local Discretionary Days
The Howard County Public School System can grant students Local Discretionary Days (up to 3) upon request and approval. The Local Discretionary form for such absences to be marked lawful/excused should be submitted at least one week in advance to the attendance secretary.
Examples of such absences that are considered unexcused on a school day include, but are not limited to:
Visits to post-secondary institutions
Participation in college orientation programs
Scheduled interviews with prospective employers.
Special family events, including vacations/trips/travel
Parents/Guardians may access this Local Discretionary form as needed. Students are allotted up to a maxim of three (3) local discretionary days per school year.
Such absences may not occur during exam or state-mandated testing periods unless authorized by the principal/designee.
A written request for such absences to be lawful/excused should be submitted at least one week in advance to the principal/designee. Please download the PDF fillable Discretionary Absence Form and email it to rhsabsence@hcpss.org . The form is also available in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish
If you are requesting a day for a religious holiday not identified by the Howard County Public School System school calendar, please download the PDF fillable Religious Obligation Form and email it to rhsabsence@hcpss.org .
Any questions or concerns about attendance (Tardy, Early Dismissal, Absence) can be sent to rhsabsence@hcpss.org.