RHS Student Services Summer Information




*The office will be closed every Friday, June 19th and July 4th


The best way to connect with Student Services staff is through email.

NOTE: School Counselors and Registrars do not work every day over the Summer.  Please be patient with their response time.

Counselors caseloads have been adjusted for the upcoming school year.   Please check the new breakdown to ensure you contact the appropriate counselor.  Seniors will keep their original counselor for their senior year!

School Counselors

Ramona Potter                A-B    Seniors: A-Br

Stephanie Thurmon        C-D    Seniors: Bs-Fe

Brian Drnec                         E-H       Seniors: Fg-Ja            

Sarah Marzolf                 I- Mal     Seniors: Jb-Mb

Dayshima Jackson                 Mam-Pa Seniors:Mc-Pav (email stephanie_thurmon@hcpss.org)

Mary Barbeito                    Pb-St    Seniors:Paw-Sto      

Ellen Mauser                   Su-Z    Seniors:  Str-Z        


Bethany Fischetti         

Debbie Merwitz      

*Registrars can help with any of the following needs: new enrollments, withdrawals, and change of address


Phone Number:   410-888-8860

Fax:  410-888-8862



Error with 23-24 SY Courses

At this time, School Counselors are able to start making adjustments in 23-24 SY courses due to errors.  Please use the 23-24 Scheduled Course Error Google form to communicate any of the following errors:

You do not have seven credits of classes.

You passed a class during a previous school year that is still on your schedule.

You need a class to graduate and it is not scheduled.

You are requesting Work Release or JumpStart College Release


If you have additional concerns about your scheduled courses, please email your School Counselor directly. 


Make Up Final Exams Summer 2023

For grades 9 -11: if a student misses the final exam, the teacher will give a Z for the exam grade. The student can make up the final exams if it’s an Excused Absence. Review Policy 8020 – Grading and Reporting to determine if you are eligible to make up the final exam.

Once you've confirmed that you can take the makeup exam, head over to SignUpGenius and choose the best date and time for you to come in and take it. On the day of the exam, make sure to arrive at the school on time and follow all instructions provided by the proctors.

Please note:

The grading process will take place after the teacher arrives from their summer break. 

The student will have to take the final exam no later than 10 days following the start of the next school year.

If you don't retake the final exam by the deadline, your "Z" grade will change to an "E" grade.

The updated grade will be reflected in the 1st quarter marking period, which ends on October 31, 2023.

If you have any questions, please email the Principal's Secretary at linda_ruiz_rojas@hcpss.org.

JumpStart Dual-Enrollment for Fall ‘23

If you still need to register for a Fall ‘23 JumpStart course, please attend one of HCC’s virtual support sessions:  Ongoing JumpStart Support Sessions


Once you have registered for your JumpStart course if you need JumpStart Release in your schedule, complete the JumpStart Enrollment/Release Form and email it directly to your School Counselor.


Work Release for 23-24 SY

If you are a rising senior and will want Work Release in your schedule, complete the first two sections of the Work-Based Release Request Form and email it directly to your School Counselor.


MVA Learner’s Permit Form

The MVA requires that schools verify school attendance for a student getting a learner's permit. 


Students/parents need to complete Section A of the DL 300 Form and then bring the form to Student Services, during a time when the office is open, to complete Sections B and C.


Work Permit

Schools no longer complete work permits.  Work permits are required for all minors under the age of 18 to work in the State of Maryland. 

For more information on this process and guidelines please visit Maryland Department of Labor Employment of Minors (Work Permit)

Maryland Minor Work Permit Application

Canvas Courses/Access

Access to your 2022-23 regular school year courses and content in Canvas will end at 11:59pm on July 3, 2023.


Students, if you will not be attending an HCPSS school in the Fall, you must download your Google Drive files if you wish to keep your files. Your HCPSS accounts will be deactivated, and you will no longer be able to access the files in your Google Drive account.


College Application/Transcript Request Process

All information for the college application/transcript request process can be found in the Class of 2024 Senior Folder


*All rising seniors (Class of 2024) should star/save the folder in your Google Drive!


Transcript Request Forms

Current RHS Students

Former RHS Students    


Moving out of the RHS district?

Complete the Withdrawal Request Form  and email it to Bethany Fischetti and Debbie Merwitz


Changing your address?

Complete the Address Change Form and email it to Bethany Fischetti and Debbie Merwitz