New Parent Information Night - January 21 - 6 and 7 pm

On Thursday, January 21st, Reservoir High School will host a New Parent Information Night at 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.

Want to check out the variety of courses that RHS has to offer? Check out this Department Video in which the team leaders talk about the courses within their programs.

If you have any questions or need additional support, we encourage you to contact your student’s counselor.  In January, all counselors are conducting individual meetings with students to discuss their courses for next year.

Linda Packman        Grades 9-11 A-B, 12th A-B

Stephanie Thurmon    Grades 9-11 C-Ff, 12th C-Gl

Brian Drnec                  Grades 9-11 Fg-Ja, 12th Gm-K

Meredith Bauer         Grades 9-11Jb-Mb, 12th So-T

Lindsay Beil                 Grades 9-11 Mc-Pav, 12th L-O

Jill Altshuler                 Grades 9-11 Paw-Sop, 12th P-Sm

Ellen Mauser              Grades 9-11 Soq-Z, 12th V-Z