Graduation Item Pick-Up

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!  We are happy to announce the date and time of the virtual graduation.  Our graduation will be held on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 12 pm.  We are also excited to announce that the pick- up of graduation items (caps, gowns, tassels, graduation materials, etc.) and return of school materials will be held on Thursday, May 14, and Friday, May 15 at Reservoir High School for SENIORS ONLY. The details for the senior event are as follows:

Students will need to complete the “Returned Books and Materials” form (Here’s the link).  When returning the items please have them bundled in a bag labeled with the students first and last name.  
The following items will be dropped off at station 4.
The completed form
Media Materials
Any other obligations or items belonging to RHS or HCPSS
The items below will be dropped off at station 5
Athletic equipment
Each item being returned is to be clearly labeled with the name of the student and the name of the teacher who issued it to them.

In our best efforts in continuing to practice social distancing, we ask that you please remain in your vehicle throughout this process unless otherwise directed by a staff member.  Please note that this may happen at stations 4, 5, and 6.  Here are instructions on when you arrive:

One vehicle per household.
When you arrive, we ask that you wear a mask and gloves for drop-off locations
Vehicle occupants must remain in their car at all times unless otherwise directed!
Please write the student's name on a piece of paper using a marker or crayon so that the staff member can easily identify the person in the vehicle.  
Students may not pick up materials for any other individual.

Continue to page 2
Below you will find the following days and times based on a students last name:

Thursday, May 14
Last Names:    A       9:00a-10:00a
Last Names:    B     10:00a-11:00a
Last Names:     C     11:00a-12:00p
Last Names:     D-G     12:00p-1:00p
Last Names :     H-K     1:00p-2:00p

Friday, May 15
Last Names:    L-M    9:00a-10:00a
Last Names:    N-P    10:00a-11:00a
Last Names:     Q-R    11:00a-12:00p
Last Names:    S     12:00p-1:00p
Last Names:     T-Z     1:00p-2:00p

In addition, you will find what to expect at each station.

Station 1:     Check-in (PDF icon).
Station 2/3:      Distribute caps, gowns, other graduation materials
Please remain in your vehicle, while we place the items in the trunk.
Station 4 -     Collect textbooks/Chromebooks
Any student who still needs to borrow a Chromebook or textbook to finish out the year, we ask that you please indicate this on the "Returned Book/Material" form.  Please return the items at our next scheduled pick-up and distribution after May 20, the last day for seniors.
Station 5:     Collect other school materials (athletic equipment, music instruments)
Station 6(Optional):    Graduation Video/photos (located at Fulton Elementary School)
At this station, the assigned staff member(s) will record students in cap and gown, displaying their posters (if they have one).
Examples for poster … “Reservoir strong!”, “Go Gators!”, “You are the best, Mom and Dad!” or “Class of 2020 Rocks!”.
Of course, they would have to be school appropriate. The videos will be recorded for 5-10 seconds.
If a student prefers having a picture taken instead, that is fine. There will be no audio in the final product.
Staff and students will practice social distancing during this process. Students cannot record videos/take pictures with other students and/or staff members.
Please note, students may choose to record their video at a remote location (ie. home) and submit their video/picture at a later time.   

Our school wants to help you retrieve any personal belongings that may still be left in the building.  We ask that you please complete the “Critical Needs Items” form (Here’s the link) so that we can locate your items.  Please complete this form by May 22, 2020.  There will be additional scheduled pick-up dates for diplomas and critical items announced later.